I’m sitting in the theatre right now. A big theatre in a little town in Germany. Solingen to be exact. And behind all the work I’ve been doing onstage and in rehearsal rooms lately, and behind the delicious professional momentum that has finally begun again after several years away from the theatre, I’ve been thinking about longevity?
Yes, I’ve been thinking about how I can make something that exists for more than the hour that i am bandying about onstage. Maybe this is a little place for a little bit of that. I write something now and in a few years it might still be here. A snapshot of a moment when, with nothing else to do, I sat down at my computer and typed some words, uploaded a photo, and wondered, “is this who I am? a content creator?”.
Aside from the Q&A’s which I love to fill in for magazines and newspapers when I’m publicising my shows, I don’t think that I’m a content creator. But, I like it here. Away from the algorithms and engagement bait. I told someone about wanting to do this, and they said, “oh, like myspace.”
Yep. Welcome to my myspace page.
Favorite films: Les Enfants du Paradis, The Castle, Playtime
What am i listening to right now: Lil Sims
Photo: Myriam Frenette